Global Artificial Intelligence Product Application Expo opens in Suzhou

时间:2023-06-26 16:09:24 来源:


The 2023 Global Artificial Intelligence Product Application Expo opened in Suzhou on Sunday. With the theme of "Empowerment of All Things, Integration of Intelligence, and Integration", this year"s expo showcased a series of technological innovations with artificial intelligence.

The opening ceremony saw the launch of the application for the “Zu Chongzhi Award” in a bid to encourage global AI young talents. 20 major AI investment projects were signed to be ready for settlement in Suzhou Industrial Park.

The Report on the Development Index of China"s Urban Artificial Intelligence released at the conference evaluates the development of the artificial intelligence industry in major cities across the country from the dimensions of industrial scale, strength, innovation and financing. At present, Suzhou is placed sixth, ranking first in prefecture-level cities across the country.

“Suzhou has made rapid progressin the artificial intelligence industry, as is evidenced by its patentsthatare numbered by more than 10000 and its financing that has exceeded 20 billion yuan”, Sun Huifeng, Directorof Knowledge Computing Engine Innovation Center, Beijing Zhiyuan Artificial Intelligence Research Institute, said.

By setting up a national platform ecological exhibition area, a national experimental area exhibition area, an industrial visual characteristic exhibition area, and a black technology experience area, this conference unveiled more than 20 representative artificial intelligence products and solutions.

In recent years, Suzhou Industrial Park has gradually grown into a new engine for the development of artificial intelligence industry in the Yangtze River Delta region. In 2022, the park has gathered more than 1300 AI enterprises, with an artificial intelligence output value of over 80 billion yuan, maintaining a growth rate of about 30% for several consecutive years.




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